October 26, 2022Application: Part 1 – Developing an Advocacy Campaign The following application (Part 1) will be due in week 4. To prepare: Select a population health issue of interest to you and identify the population affected by the issue. Locate two scholarly article
October 26, 2022Clinical Challenges for the NP Case Study Three: Patient and professional relationships. Jennifer, a 45 year old Caucasian returns to your clinic for a refill of her hydrocodone. She was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer last year, followed by successful removal and treatment. All vital signs are stable and preventive care is up to date. She wants to discuss filing a lawsuit against the surgeon that initially turned her away and told her she had gastritis and needed to eat healthier. Review the following articles found in this weeks Learning Resources: Miller, K. P. (2013). The National Practitioner Data Bank: An Annual Update. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, (9)9, 576-580. Stelmach, E. I. (2015). Dismissal of the Noncompliant Patient: Is this What We Have Come to? The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 11(7), 723-725. Review endocrine disorders and erectile dysfunction in your Primary Care Medicine text (Gorrol, Ah. & Mulley, A.G., 2009). Consider strategies and treatment options that would be most effective for these patient scenarios to improve compliance and health outcomes. Reflect on how to approach the non-compliant patient and the importance of a separate preventive care visit. Post an explanation that addresses the following for the Case study you selected: 1 to 2 pages Identify and briefly summarize the case study you selected Explain any legal implications for standard of care related to the case study you selected Identify and explain the key components of a malpractice policy related to the case study you selected Explain the collaborative agreements and knowledge the rules for your state in regards to NP practice the case study you selected References Miller, K. P. (2013). The National Practitioner Data Bank: An Annual Update. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, (9)9, 576-580. Stelmach, E. I. (2015). Dismissal of the Noncompliant Patient: Is this What We Have Come to? The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 11(7), 723-725. Review endocrine disorders and erectile dysfunction in your Primary Care Medicine text (Gorrol, Ah. & Mulley, A.G., 2009). Required Readings Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (2016). National Guideline Clearinghouse. Retrieved from Buppert, C. (2015). Risk Management. In Nurse Practitioners Business Practice and Legal Guide (5th ed.) (285 302). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett.
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